Sunday, 23 February 2014

Professor Michael Collins

My Grandfather Professor Micheal Collins is a university lecturer who has created and wrote many books in his field of biological science and sport-science, he is a key and vital member of the local Methodist Church, the church my parents married in, I was baptised in, and I attended for the first 12 years of my life. 

He is a man who traveled but always wanted to travel further, 
He is man who lived sports, watched sports, enjoyed sports breathed them. 

I remember him spending hours in a garden with me playing football despite him being some what less of his "physical prime". 

Even now he spends his afternoons editing and critiquing unveristy journals and literature for the writers. 

This is a man who lives for other people and to help each soul he comes across, a man I greatly respect and admire, and hate the fact he is now on borrowed time. 

I don't have many heroes, but I can honestly say Micheal Collins was one of mine. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Just a thought (I)

In a completely irrelevant and useless thought, how much of the world do I actually have access too? If I look at the worlds as 100%, I wonder what percentage are private, lawfully prohibited from me from entering or simple just behind a locked door? 

Just a thought