Monday, 2 February 2015

Monty Oum

The man behind many projects shows and was an inspirational and brilliant man passed away today, he was 33 years old.

i never got the chance to meet him, i listened to several podcasts, videos and panels that he spoke of his work, how to tackle massive tasks and huge challenges. I followed his work closely and used many of the themes he lived by and inspired others to do the same.

Latitude Radio has been an superb experience. i have loved every moment of it but it has been no easy task. I love every one of our members for the unique and different outlook they bring to the team. I would say that each of them should have no fear or concern when they approach me. Every Idea, thought or possibility they want to try, i would work night and day to help them achieve.

There are several people who inspire me. and Monty Oum was one of them. he was incredibly talented and i will continue to work and push latitude radio into the fantastic station it will be with the team i am proud to lead.

Rest peacefully Monty.
Thank you for inspiring me.