Thursday, 25 October 2012

i have an odd group of people...

... that i surround myself, i have waited a few weeks to describe each one and ill even split them up into the different areas i see these people.
Criminology Peeps
Dan - he wants to be a policeman and has already begun his training to do so, quite relaxed about everything and a huge fan of football.

Elliott - loves video games, films, comics, and bondage. when describing him i call him a social anomaly. even more so now then ever.

Jenna - in your face open minded and best described as someone told her to grow a pair and she may have done so. the force is strong with this one.

Vicky - best described as a "vintage" girl but under recent discovery she geeks out to lol-anything and used to be a hardcore enmo kid. awesome.

Ali - turkish lad who is always wearing a cap and can be best described as a wild card, as no one has any idea what he is gunna do.

Jess - Shes hardworking, focused and most interestingly finds everything fascinating, she meets something new and alien to her, and she then wants to learn as much as she can.

Liam - Tall dude with a geeky gamer side, first guy iu've met who uses reddit as well ANNNNND laughs at georgie

Georgie - get abused and laughed at by Liam

Jade- Kicks my arse at pool EVERY GODDAM TIME

Through Latitude Radio

Jamie - a mellow incredibly Down to earth guy who is smart funny and entertaining, and doesnt even actually know it

Beth- My boss my leader i have no idea what this friendship is but she keeps me laughing
allllllll the time

Film and Media

Bethany - Odd in a very charming way, a rival who has the whole medway as an army. i'll still win.

Jacob - makes me play Gloom and has the greatest movie knowledge of all time EVER

Elliot - huge joker fan and likes the colour purple, a lot. second greatest movie knowledge of all time.

Ollie - tintin fan nuff said.

Now the next lot of people arent people i have met at uni but people i still surround myself with.


Jojo - geeky theatre nut known her for a few years and i have been a rock for her.

Josh - the ying to Jojo's yang they are both very similar and why they are inseperable when together.

Emma - bullied me from 9 to year 11 and i still keep her around god she must be a nice person or something.

Alex - first girl i ever took ona date i was the ripe age of 13. and she STILL puts up with, god i must be a nice person or something.

Imy - wtf are you? your balls are bigger then mine dammit!

Kent - obviously my family is void from this list

Anna - another bully. how strange i surround myself with people who pick on me. she does smell and is short though.

Amber - increidbly unusual artist who has more tattoo designs on other people then i have ever met.

Danny - my bro my manlove. he's a babe.

Chloe - i gave her a special blogpost read that! i aint gunna repeat myself!

Robyn - chloes other half. epic babe.


Cissy - legend

ill come back as i remeber people.

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