Thursday 23 January 2014

Searching for Alaska.

I love to read, as a matter of fact i love to write i just am not very good at it.

Looking For Alaska is fascinating little book from John Green, it follows the tale of a group of friends in a boarding school.

Im not going to go rattling through the story, the pros and cons of the story, the emotional turmoil i felt, although i did feel sick to my stomach (in a totally good way)

what this book does for me is show a real, honest and genuine look on how one person can have such a influence on you, through attraction, friendship or adventure.

it shows the awkwardness of relationships, the irrational fear of teachers, the heartbreaks of loss and the damage the same person who can bring you just as much joy.

bottom line?

Buy this book. It will be one for the history books.

Sunday 12 January 2014

I dont do new years resolutions

having said that i have looked atmyself slightly and decided a couople things 

i have decided to lose a little weight, mainly cause WHY NOT ITS GOOD FOR YOU 
but also cause it would be nice to be slightly less unfit

i have decided to clean up the way i look and present myself to others, i like being scruffy but it wouldnt hurt to actually do my hairf from time to time.
keeping the beard though. 

and finally be more daring, who knows how it could work out :)

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Conversations Between Collins and Myself (i)

Collins: i don't like twitter
Me:What do you mean you dont like twitter?
Collins:I don't like it.
Me: okay why not
Collins: just a useless place for  idiots to post about things they are doing in their everyday lives! 
Me:........................ and?
Collins: i don't care if i wanted to see into peoples lives i wanted to know about that i would just go off and look through peoples windows.
Me:if your going to start doing that you should tweet about what you see

Monday 6 January 2014


so i should be wise and sensible and brave and say that this blog post is entirely self centered and about self gratification, but here it goes.

I want to reach 10,000 views by the end of the year.

I want to reach 5,000 of these by my 21st birthday

I have set a reminder for me to blog every WEEK

i have decided to blog more sensible stuff

i then did a jager bomb and decided i should blog more autobiographical stuff.

i then did a second jager bomb and decided i should blog more funny stuff

i then did a tequila slammer and decided i should blog when drunk.

so heres to 2014.

Woop and shit.